Each voice is panned and (post) processed independently for every note struck resulting in a deeply integrated modular hardware-software surround live machine. Usually multichannel performances are really disappointing and underdeveloped, as there are no easy ways of morphing stereo workflow into multichannel beast, you need to work it from the ground up, essentially building custom spatial modulation matrix that works with n-channels available. It is fun to have it all spatially controlled in real time, the sound is really complex and engaging! This is of course a stereo mix. The situation was pretty chilled-out so no place for a hard-pounding beats, but whole multichannel setup works perfectly well for a more rhythm-oriented performance. Is is controlled live, no-samples or pre-recorded tracks, everything is synthesized/sequenced and mixed on the fly. In such adaptable way I can accommodate every venue and context, scaling my compositions to fit the space and audience. Basic blocks stay the same, but it can be a completely different experience, booth energetically and spatially.